Download and Install Android 4.1.2 JoelDroid For Galaxy S2

Android 4.1.2 is the latest Android OS and now is available for Nexus 10, Nexus 4 and some some Google Nexus flagship Nexus smartphones. Sure, Samsung is now preparing the Android 4.1.2 for their latest Android smartphones- Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note. But, if you are using Samsung Galaxy S2 then you also can update your phone to Android 4.1.2. This Android 4.1.2 custom ROM, JoelDroid is based on JB WanamLite 13 XXLSJ Custom Rom  and for Samsung Galaxy S2 GTi9100 only.

This Custom ROM not only design with stable firmware but also integrate  with  lot of Galaxy Note  2 features and application such Multi View, 3D Photo Gallery, Note 2 Paper Artist and More! If you are interest to flash this powerful Android 4.1.2 custom Rom into your Rooted Galaxy S2 GTi9100, then here is the step by step tutorial:

Before start the step as below, make sure that our Galaxy S2 was installed CWM Recovery and Rooted.

Step 1:  Download Android 4.1.2 JoelDroid  Custom ROM – Link

Step 2: Copy the zip file to your Galaxy S2 SD/Internal card. Then power off your Galaxy s.

Step 3:  Enter recovery mode by press Volume Up+ Home + Power Button.

Step 4:  Now you are in recovery, then enter the Mode Wipe data/cache to wipe all data.


Step 5: Now you can start Flash the zip into your Galaxy s2.

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